Journey of taste: Malta is considered the king of mountain fruits, this fruit is very beneficial, history is also interesting

Journey of taste: Malta is considered the king of mountain fruits, this fruit is very beneficial, history is also interesting


Regular consumption of Malta also protects against stomach ulcers and constipation.
Malta is being used to increase appetite.
A member of the citrus family, Malta is rich in Vitamin C.

Swad Ka Safarnama: Malta is also included in the fruits of the citrus family. But it has some different features, due to which its identity also remains different. Malta rich in Vitamin C is very beneficial for the body. Its juice increases the immunity of the body. It is also considered very beneficial for teeth and gums. Malta was born and earned its name in the Himalayan region. It is considered the king of mountain fruits.

Malta is a member of the citrus family.

Some food experts also believe that Malta is the healthiest fruit in the world. If a glass of Malta juice is consumed daily, the body can be kept healthy to a great extent. It is a fruit of the citrus family. Lemon is completely sour in taste, the rest of the fruits of the family are either sour-sweet or leave a completely sweet taste. All these fruits look almost the same, but they are identified on the basis of their peel and their production area. Orange is the most different among them. Available in small and large sizes, the orange peel is of orange colour. The peel is not very greasy, it can be peeled off easily and mostly it turns out to be sweet in taste.

The color of sweet lime is greenish, juice comes out in it, there are no cracks, but the sweet juice is sour. Kinnow’s peel is thick in this family. Its saffron color is very bright and its specialty is that it is number one in terms of sweet juice and most of its production takes place in Punjab, Haryana etc. apart from Jammu-Kashmir and Himachal.

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Hill is considered the king of fruits

Malta is different from all this. If we talk about its origin, it is believed that it originated first in the Chinese region of the Himalayan region. It is considered a mountain fruit. There it is considered the king of fruits. It is considered to have the highest production in India in Uttarakhand and it is widely used in the special type of ‘chutney’ made there. In the book ‘Fruits’ written by Prof. Ranjit Singh and Prof. SK Saxena, agronomists of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (Pusa), information has been given that the fruits of the citrus family grow in different regions of the world, all of them in India. Must be grown in the area. This includes Malta.

When unripe on the tree, Malta is green in colour, but after ripening it turns yellow like a ripe orange. Malta is slightly sour and slightly sweet in taste. But these two tastes together make a different taste, so it tastes very tasty. The special thing is that Malta is available in the market throughout the year.

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Boosts immunity, keeps many diseases at bay

Malta is rich in nutrients. About 100 grams of Malta juice contains Vitamin C. 53.2 mg, Carbohydrate 11.75 g, Fat 0.12 g, Calorie 47.05, Protein 0.94 g, Fiber 0.12 g, Iron 0.1 mg, Phosphorus 14 mg, Magnesium 10 mg, Potassium 181 mg. Let’s go. Apart from this, it also contains other nutrients. According to Nilanjana Singh, food expert and nutrition consultant, Malta can provide half of the daily requirement of vitamin C in the human body. Consuming this increases the immunity of the body. A study found that regular consumption of malta reduces the incidence of tooth and gum disease. It plays an important role in keeping the eyesight good. Its regular intake also protects against stomach ulcers and constipation. saves. Malta helps prevent infection.

malta fruit

The peel of Malta is used as a medicine to increase appetite. Image-Canva

Anti-oxidant properties are also found in it, due to which its juice helps in weight loss. The nutrients found in it help in reducing the level of bad cholesterol. It controls blood sugar level. That’s why people who have sugar problem can eat it without any hesitation. Its juice is believed to keep the kidney away from stones. The peel of Malta is also very useful. Its peel is being used for medicine to increase appetite. Apart from this, peel is also being used to reduce phlegm, prevent indigestion, cough and cold. In general, it does not have any side effects, but consuming its juice in excess can cause stomach upset. Acid problem can also happen. It can also sour teeth.

Tags: food, Lifestyle

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